Sunday, December 19, 2010

welcome holiday!!!

well, we were arrive in the end of december, so was over, and holidays have came to this fuckin busy life to be 9th grader. ok dont talk bout it, it'll make me to be stress as usual.

1st of all............WELCOME HOLIDAY!!!
so far i havent a plan anymore to did this holiday, yap im afraid if it will be a bored holiday.
but i think it just some rest between a tired of my life.

right now, i really want my holidays to be full of adventures, which going to
mountain. see the beautiful views from the up, its really amazed.

and also....i wanna go to....
 forest! btw the last time i'd ever go there, was.......last year. cool. tall trees-green leafs-water flow. its very natural & feels fresh.

but it just a fantasy, maybe i'll staye there.
home. fuck.

yeah lately, i wanna bike to remove a boredom.
funny, refresh, healthy, also tired!

hbu? do u feel the same like me? create your own holiday, hv fun!!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


hari selasa kmrn classmeet. beruntung pertandingan pertama 97 itu lawan 96 alhamdulillah 97 lolos :')
dan lolos lawan manaa??95. ok emg cowok 97 & 95 sudah menunggu laga itu buat final, tapi jd semi final noprob lah. dan itu bnr2 menegangkan bgt, paling!!
97 itu--> pai (my dark prince<3), eko (football capt. of RDVZ), ebot, ardan, rizyk (goal keeper), fachri, guntur
95 itu--> kevin, reyhan, diaz, aby, novan, ojan, sendy

dan itu berat vs berat lah. kerenbgt! dan pokoknya kejar2an gt deh scores nya, cool!!! dan akhirnya krn ada goal kesalahan gt jd 97 kalaahh, tp gpplah kalian udh bagus+keren+udh bikin suasana yg tdnya sepi jd tegang&rame bgt. <3 <3 yaah.

padahal gue udh janji ke si ardan kl 97 masuk final gue byr ke dia 5rb, awalnya 5rb itu hampir melayang, yah gataunya malah 97 nya huhu :'-(. dan yg lbhlbh itu......pai udh janji bgt gt kl bakal menang. trs pas detik2 sblm mulai gue sempet ngomong2 gt sm eko. org2 kls lain pd bilang 97 terlalu meremehkan lawan gt deh, tp enggaak kook. yaudah deh ya, but you're the best footballers for GRASIX7!!

leaving, losing, regretting

so far, the story of my life, especially my love life stories havent told by me.....ok i wanna start bout it right now. and please maybe it isnt as important as another post, so im sorry.

last year. december 09'
yap maybe, in this month a lot of my sad memories w/ my last ex have completely clear, why?because you came to my life, and made me go on while i was down. but in my mind i said "no no no, i felt that it has a bad result if i w/ u" i was wrong, now its too late to did, you were w/ her. longlast boy. gbye.

february 10'
the other boy was came. at the first time i felt comfortable enough to stay w/ u, but......after 1 weeks i felt uncomfortable, thats because you were over protective. but now, just you who knew that im still like him, and we were a friend right? i hope you'll back to her, amin.

may 10'
ok i used to be fun to hear bout this month because it has a lot of the most favorite memories of mine, but now i didnt do it anymore, because....i felt that it has been different to did. i cant handle it, i really need u boy. you're the one, who made me fall in love and also felt so hurt. but im sure, you forgot all of our memories which i thought that those're very important. and maybe i was wrong, i always lie w/ my feeling for you because i cant show that im still loving you. i cant. i'll have a biggest problem if i show that.

please one who know all about my feeling for him. also, he'll be her boyfriend. in other side, i just be patient and feel sorry for the worst memory of us.
now, i just wanna say for you "thankyou for everything". in my mind....i say "ENDED"

Monday, December 6, 2010


this occasion, i gonna share bout how much i love a special night, which have million fireworks in the sky also million whishes all of people in the world. can u imagine that? that's, beautiful, awesome, what ever.

it called NEW YEAR'S EVE.

in my life, it had a lot of memories. and as u know, i cant forget all of that as easy as forget the social lesson, can I? of course.

and i cant waiting for that, come faster please......
and i cant stop to wish wish wish, hope hope hope, want want want, need, need, need that in taht year will be better than the past of the years. amin.


and it's the climax in the middle of New Year's Eve.

and the last, GOODBYE 2010 :'(

thank you has become my beautiful year i ever had so far.

2010 will done by me.....3 weeks ago. wanna flashback?O it was expired.

Friday, December 3, 2010

surprise capt. ekoo!!!!!

jadi rabu tgl 1 desember itu ulgthnnya EKO RUSADI, kapten futsal dan anak 97 jg pastinya. akhirnya bikin rencana dll.........sampe terlaksana semuanya walaupun ada kontrofersi nya jg wkwk.

dan ini manusia dibalik semuanya, ngga gt jg sih yaa-_-"


dan yg beli aisyah & mimi, perjuangan mereka deh sbnrnya. tp semuanya berkat semua anak 97, <3<3

ini blm semuanya tp ceweknya hampir kira2 segini laahh.....dan msh byk lg deh tp mslhnya lemot bgt nih pc skrg :[ fuck. pokoknya terimakasihbgttt kepada kalian!!!

alhanzsa-amanda-wati-laras-ana-diah-nanay-marini-nabila-gue-nadia dj.-aisyah-nunu-kiky-puput-rachel-mimi-izka-sarah-septi-shilmi.

GRASIX7 / "97 aja coyy"

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

behind of my autism

ok well, sblmnya gausah dibaca gpp. gapenting bgt.

hm jd memulai karir sebagai sesosok yg di bilang "autis" sbnrnya ini bohongan doang sih gmn gt deh. awalnya gue ngga begini2 bgt, dari kls 7 apalagi.......eeh pas kls 8 sih baru rada2, pas kls 9 baru deh. mungkin penyebab nya krn stress menjadi single krn dulu kan......canda. ok hidup sendiri ditengah rintangan hidup yg ckp kejam ini emg sungguh berat bgt tp beberapa org jg merasakan hal yg sama, oleh krn itu......gue mencoba melupakan hal2 masa lalu yg ckp sudah berakhir, ok bukan nya mau flashback atau gimana ya tp gue termasuk orang yg "terlalu melupakan masa lalu begitu aja, dan selalu mikir itu negatif pdhl itu bnyk sisi positif jg yg bisa diambil" itu yg indira bilang pas gue diramal gt.......ese jd promosi. jd cara melupakan nya itu yaa.......seneng2, gaboleh sedih, galau, dll. lagipula ngga guna jg sbnrnya. dan hidup begini lumayan, beban2 yg dulu ckp terangkat.

mungkin gue dulu emg lemah, hidup tergantung seseorg yg special gt lah. tp untuk kali ini alhamdulillah engga :') keluarga&tmn cukup mengisi segalanya. walaupun sempet ada pikiran nangis dll, tp.......buat apa??? ngga akan ngerubah segalanya tp mgkn emg bikin lega. dan krn skrg lbh sering ketawa ngakak gtgt jd jarang nangis, dan org2 menyebut itu............autis. ha ha.

ok maaf bgt ini ckp gapenting, tp sekali2 bolelaa.

late paste

this page has pasted from my document, when I was still in 8th grade or 7th.........forget.
but it was has some changed. ok. this is it!

the most favorite view, which I love is.......

SUNSET!!! yes, as i know.......the last i was saw it at the beach on March 09', really miss that time :'(

the most favorite place, which I love is..........

yap, BEACH. with clear waters and also white sands. it's completely cool.

the most favorite animal, which I love is.......

PIGEON. because it symbolizes everything :')

the most favorite boy, who I love was.........

and, lets mix all of the words!
someday, I'll see the beautiful sunset in the nature beach when the pigeon was singin and go out,
also a couple were there. yes....they're you & me, arent they?
and we spend this day....together <3 <3 <3
once more, no a distruber!

look at this pict,

i like the moment of the picture.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

behind the love stories

the 1st person:
you're the kindest boy i ever had.
you teached me the meaning of love.
either the best or the worst memories of you still in my mind
i always try slowly to move on from you, but i can't love the others.
and you've changed since i lost you.

i can't show that i'm still loving you because.....(please god, honestly it's the most problem I had, which always made me cry all the time)

the 2nd person:
i couldnt completely loving you.
but I felt comfortable enough when i was near you.
now, you've  been her boyfriend
and to be your friend that's why i need you.

i can't loving you because you were w/ her. but to be a friend, enough & it's better for us.

the 3rd person:
you've a bad character.
in the past i thought that some girls have played by you.
but after I know that you were seriously love your ex-girlfriend, that's wrong.
and I feel like you, i'm sorry because i've make you down.

you thought that I'm still like him, and I think the same that you're still like her.

and the points is.......... i havent someone special so far, because all of the doubts.

dirilis dgn perubahan dari memo hp.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

unimportant activity

when teenagers feel so hurted bcs someone, it called "galau" isnt it?
what would u do when u feel like that????

for just "unimportant activity" which havent a good benefits.
but if u do that, you'll feel comfortamble enough bcs you've  let out all of your feelings especially, some feeling for him.
they usually to become sad at the moment and then.......cry.

ok let's begin. i would do these things when i was gettin' it.

first, it's the most important thing, especially when im still in school, i'll buy it!

EAT. i didnt care what people say.
              i didnt care that i'll be i want it, im so thin you know.
              but my money will be rapidly exhausted :'(

second, ok it's ateenager's usuall thing,

and 3rd, write something on the wall

  ok, its like......a baby. but i often did it under my desk.

4th, it just ordinary. but listen! after several months or years later, you'll feel like come back to previosly time when you read it.


5th. sleep, it will make you to be stronger for all that you feel.

<3 you might enjoy when you've a great dream.

        and.............dont crying girls!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

now.........i wanna be angry like scar rawrrrrrrr!!!!!

cant I?????????

no, i cant. but i should be patient like simba :')
i'll do it perfectly so that it'll make me out from all of that doubts.

Friday, October 29, 2010

RIP :')

sbnrnya itu ialah........kelinci. jd praktikum dilakukan pada selasa 26/10/10. lgsg aja yaa, gue di klmpk 2:
1.) anggota: alhanzsa, ana, nanay, rijaldi, faisal, gue, dj, kiky, izka, shilmi. 2.) kelinci jantan. 3.)cutter, masker, sarung tgn, dll. akhirnya udh tuh pagi2 lg pd mainin kelinci yg gede1 gt deh dan........berhubung klmpk kita yg beli rijaldi dan......dia beli yg kecil bgt kyk gini:

rada ga jls soalnya nanay baru upload yg ini, yg lain di camera aisyah. dan sygbgt kl kelinci sekecil itu nyawanya hilang begitu ajam jd gue lgsg caw ke babe sm nanay buat beli kelinci *baru*. ngumpulin diut akhirnya dapet deh tuh lmyn gede deh.

trs pas jam pelajaran biologi sekitar jam stg 11 sampe jam 12 kurang kita praktikum.
here is it:
gue, kiky, nanay, izka, dj, ana (sebelum mulai prkatikum)

abis itu dipotong deh ibarat kambing fotonya blm ada wkwk
nah inilah foto salah satu kelompok madesu cndd. tp paling berhasil misahin limpanya gt dehh.
nah kelompok alif, ebot, ocan, dll lah. dan.......foto praktikum bedah nya baru ini yg di upload nanay jdnya...terpaksa deeee.

dan terakhir ini setelah selesai

okkk sekiann. bye

Friday, October 8, 2010

fuck u october

i didnt know why, i couldnt stand it when october already came. am i had feel the same like the previosly of the years? dont i?of course. could u feel what i feel so far?nope. october---> the worst of the years in my life, which always felt uncomfortably & also cryied. plssss im afraid, i wanna end this time, especially this fuckin' month. oct2008, oct2009, and.........oct2010, i use to did the same character in this moment. problems.....doubts....always came into my life, god pleasee give me the best. is this moment was better?isnt?
that was too tired to done by me. someone......can u help me?

i need some supports, i need some help, i need...........a person who can to be the kindest boy in my life, nonono kidding guys. honestly, a few months ago, i thought that single was better, but now...........i couldnt think like that. could u make me laugh as before???or.....i only want to be smile like marge......

but i dont want to sad like maggie:
thats too bad.

ok see'y babay

Friday, October 1, 2010


ok, posting akhir2 ini gapenting bgt demi allah, fyi lovelife kali ini intinya.......blank bgttt, dan stuck sampe disini ok.......krn gatau jg mau ngapain, mikirin?taulah. so....2010 full of being a single person, uu sedih?gataulah wkwk. malu bgt kl ngmgn lovelife dan juga envy bgt sm org2 yg jadian, pdkt lah, apalah. gue?lbh baik gausah jwb.
eh tp..... btw cowok2 kls gue yg supadupa lucu kocak dan ganteng2 itu jg pastinya, mengalihkan segalanya coyy wkwk, <3 97 kelas atas--->excecutive class, special bgt, bisa serius, cabut gampang, anaknya seru2 bgt, dari yg paling alim gapernah ngomong sampe yg madesuu gtgt walaupun madesu tp baik gt sm rajin2 jg lohh, tgs internet, presentasi, dll selalu bikin, hebat kann? apalg kl futsal, lucu bgt nontoninnya, apalg ada kapten loohh eko. trs sm walikelas kyk tmn sendiri gt suka ngumpul2 di dpn kls trs ketawa2 gtgt dehh, aaaahhh serubgt dan sekali ada jam kosong lgsg sisa cuma 4 org di kls, beda bgt sm 81. tp kgn 81, 71 jg deh.
ohiya pgn share photos childhood dehh grgr kmrn bongkar2 lg, tp mls bgt maapin. see u gbye. *gapentingabis

Friday, September 24, 2010


longtime no post, i miss u so badly. ok.
well as u know that i've been stuck in 2 persons, but suddenly....i didnt know why, i couldnt like him anymore, that's because............nonono. although in the past, i always waited impatiently, just for u boy. but after i conscioused that its too hurted to do, now ENOUGH all of your things, im sure that im already move on after a long time for u, right? sucks.

and....i feel that i like...........the 2nd person, who i regretted when the fireworks time already to stared, ok new year even. i miss, i love, i like that time. i could like, but love?i couldnt do it completely, because i didnt want this feel came, but now i didnt want to deceived my self secretly.

how about relationship? thats the most fuckin' difficult thing to do, isnt? okkk, especially w/ u......its impossible. now i've finished all of my lovelife when im in junior high school, gbye

Monday, September 13, 2010

confused to write something

before of all, i just wanna say for the first "happy ied mubarak 1431 H", im sorry for all of my mistakes. and this time........all of moeslim peoples enthusiastically pray until ate some food of lebaran, for example: opor ayam, rendang, ketupat, and many more. of course i also did this activities, and it feel funny to do, right? everybody feel the same, im sure. but.........i didnt know a story material to combine in this page, so....enough.
bytheway.....not only that, but also when ramadhan has ended, syawal came & it made me back to did a fasting for 1 weeks. okay, wish me luck and can do it until the end. ok see'y bubuy

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

a song to remember

well. yesterday, when i turn the iPod, i was choose a song, well this's just an ordinary song, but........guess what? when that song was end, it turn the second song, which made me to remember about someone, who i lost him and until now i hadn't him anymore, isnt hurted? of course :'( and one knew who he is. although i'm sure that in a fact they know who he is. umm....its too lazy for me to describe about this guy. I miss the moment when you greet me in the night or can called morning or....whatever. at the first time, i thought u're a crazy boy, but after I knew,'re a good boy, or kind, that.
how about the ex-? enough i dont wanna remember all the things about him. and now one of my friend'll know.

ok bye, see'y

Monday, August 30, 2010

the greatest & the best moment of #MVR31

well nama angkatan gue jd #MVR31 ya perubahan dari #DV34 okk gpplh krn ;)

gahanya itu jadi td ada buka puasa masal gt wkwkkw, tp hanya angkatan 31 ini <3 dan tau ngga???? kls gue kedapetan di lab. ipa dan fuck bgtbgt kl lesehan gt astagf, awalnya emg mls bgt eh lama lama betah jg kebersamaan kita jd pd lbh dkt gt deh wakakak.

abis itu ohiya kan gue dateng jam stg 5 dan langsung jam 5 abis rapi rapi lab gtgt ke pasar ampera, beruntung fadila & malynda lg jegat bajaj so (*bhs fadila) gue & nanay nebeng wkwkw. lgsg ke setia kawan cuma buat nyari tissue tp kagak ada trs mas mas nya bilang di bwh pasar, lgsg deh beli beli segala macem2 dan malynda fadila duluan, gue & nanay lgsg balik naik bajaj dan ketemu aisyah & nadya dj jd ikut jg eheheh.

dan balik trs gue & nanay ke indomart lg buat beli buah kaleng gt krn kurang sampe akhirnya gue & nanay balik lg ke sklh dan nunggu nunggu nunggu sampee buka. pokoknya gue minum 2 es buah * nambah dan aqua jg 2 krn superduper haus bgt, trs baru mkn mkn mkn.

-----------------------------------dan sampai lah kita pada inti nya---------------------------------

abis bukber foto foto foto sampe akhirnya jam 7 pd caw ke pacuan kuda tp lewat rute joging pagi gt lewat pulomas, jauuhh bgt tp bnr bnr gakerasa bgttttt aaa love bgtbgt #MVR31 trs ya........ditengah perjalanan pai, radi, rehan, eko, trs tau lupa siapa lg pd nyalain petasan gt, emg rusuh tp seru bgtbgttttt

trs yaudah tuh sampe pacuan kuda nya dan diperjalanan nya udh kyk pasukan umat manusia byk rame bgt gilaaa. dan lo hrs tau byk polisi lewat2 dan gue jd ketakutan gt yg lain jg, hingga akhirnyaaa masuk kesana hrs bayar seharga RP 2000 noprob lah, dan sempet debat2 sampe pengurus nya sampe akhirnya yg tadinya mau main di dkt danau tp gaboleh krn ada kandang kuda pake acara mrh2 lg slowww kali pak, dan kita akhirnya di blhn di lapangan nya.

trs akhirnya main main seru bgttt dan itu climax bgtt angkatan ini <3 <3 <3 bgtbgtbgt sumpahh, ohiya dan endingnya farhanna dan tara serta anen jatoh naik motor kasian bgttt farhanna di lutut gt sampe nangis kejer bgt (flashback.....jd inget pas main bola pas kls 5 huu kgn bgt) dan tara lbh prh keluar darah2 gt dan kaki nya GWRSSSS GUYSSSS, god'll give the miracle for them amin. dan emg itu tanda dari allah kl kita hrs udahan berenti sholat krn udh wkt nya, thanks god.

tp gpplh yg penting kebersamaan kita semua yg nyatuin segalanya, love #MVR31 more than all the things in this world. sampe jam 8 dan pulang.

late upload foto nya yaa ehehe.
thanks for today all!!!!!!! i couldnt forget it easily, it is as hard as possible, isnt? yapppppp, ok see'y. byee

& the last, angkatan nyatu alhamdulillah bgt, sampe seterusanya begini dan harus jgn berantem2 yaa, solidaritas <3 #MVR31!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 27, 2010


btw, 1st happy fasting guys, i hope we'll have the best ending in this month, better than before, amin.
dan hari pertama sampe ke.............9-_- gue gapuasa grgr sakit, demam, flu,, anemia +++ prh astagf gatau knp dan bikin pusing bgt grgr kekurangan darah makin byk :'(, dan tp alhamdulillah ga dbd/tifus dsb.

ok 2nd 97 pw abissssss!!!!!! dan kocak rame seru, tau lah rada2 kyk campuran 71 81 coyy. ohiya btw ada bhs baru loh "97 aja coyy" ada kok facebooknya CLICK ok dan admin nya cowok gua, ngga lah boro2 gapunya-_- sedih sekalee lo nad wkwk single?noprob. ohiya 9-7 ajjah coyy, cerita singkat yg mau denger atau engga trsrh krn gapenting, jd ebot kan nge add fb gue namanya "ebot ajjah coyy" alhamdulillah bkn ebot caiyank blablabla *najis. dan lanjut abis itu gue cencengin bareng aisyah nanay "aaaa ebot ajjah coyy" trs pai maju dll pd ngikutin dan rame lah jd ada "ardan ajjah cooy", "aisyah ajjah coyy", "nanay ajjah coyy" wkwkwkwk dan finally "97 AJJAH COYY" tp klarifikasi segala nya........9-7 akan dibuat nama kls jd ini nama cencengan aja wkwkkw.

betapa asik nya kls gue walaupun rada gembel cuma pake kipas tapi seru, inilah keseruannya:
1. nyencengin ebot, "ebot ajjah coyy" atau ebot rachel
2. nyencengin alif "prikitiw alif nunuuu"
3. ABC 5 dasar again again, sm fahri, mimi, sahe, anju
4. becanda sm pai, nanay, anju
5. nyencengin ardan mimi
6. becanda sm baba gllenn
7. nyanyi sn. budaya sm kiki, mimi, nanay, aisyah, izka, ana
8. ngobrol2 sm eko & arif
9. nyencengin anjuuuuuuuuuu <3 canda wkwk gaklah
10. banyak lagi...........

3rd harapan ramadhan bulan ini ialah.......lbh mempertebal iman, tkt bgt kl org2 pd bilang "anggaplah ini ramadhan terakhir" dan gue tkt kl bnrn :'( astagfirullah jgn ya allah aminnn.

okkkk sekian yaaa, bubuy

Saturday, August 7, 2010

life story pt. 2

honestly, i've been stuck in 2 people but i cant to do. i dont wanna have a crush on them........ because it's TOO LATE for me. they gone out from my life. now i regretted my actions which i did at the first time. they're too differents about the characters. as u know, my life story like a freak stories, but i told the truth.

sometimes, i got stress or frustrated, it made me to be freak like a monster girl, u'll say that im the most fuckin' crazy girl. if i felt very dizziness, i'd go to under the desk & took a pen, after that i'd write some words on the wall, which gave me a special motivation to made me smile & happy like u look. and then.....i started to cried, its the climax of my best stories. i hated it when i cried, i hated it when i sad, i've tried to eliminate all these sad feelings. but i couldnt preserve my feeling, i couldnt lie, i couldnt cover everything. w/ sang a sad song, i think its the best moment to cried completely.

yeah, just that. maybe im not as good as u thought, who had a lot of better life. no i dont, life is like a spinning wheel. and i promise that i'll study diligently, to get my dreams, amin. ya allah pls give me your miracle.......amin yarabbal alaminn

life story pt. 1

first, i wanna tell u about my doubts or some problem of mine. i didnt know what to teel it to whom of that. so i just can share it in this blog.

if u look at me for the first time, u'll say that i always look so sarcastic, which make them to stay outside from me. but my friends told me that i always looked so happy, fun,etc or....crazy maybe. and they thought that I couldn sad, angry & cry......

nobody knew that it's too different from the fact of my life.i looked happy from outside, but inside i always sad and then cried. especially with my..................lovelife, nobody knew, nobody care, nobody understand. 
i couldnt tell to my friends cause i think that's not useful for them. 

you must isnt as hurted as before :'( i cant stand anymore. i dont know a person, who i wanna be my mine, cause i know that i cant be w/ him. so pls god....... i dont want to felt so hurt for the second time ot third just because of u boy........

Friday, July 30, 2010

today isnt as nice as previosly of my friday

pagi---> berangkat ke sklh, trs sampe sklh jalan pagi sm anak kls 2 (ngawas *lagi) tp lo hrs tau kl gue pas mau ngerapihin barisan malah di cencengin wtf abis anak kls 2 ih terutama yg cowok.

trs masuk kls b.indonesia, nothin special. trs istirahat~ masuk lg OR dan gue sm kiki lari muterin 21 3x paling belakang wkwk ketauan bgt males nya, mana kiki pake ada acara di kejar org gila lg woakakak untung ada EKO sang penyelamat 97 uu ekoo.
trs break nganggur dsb sampe pljrn terakhir bu siwi. trs gue lgsg berangkat BTA........

sampe bta sepi bgtt trs liat2 kls gue di rg. beta di lt. 1 gapapalah sebelah rg, gue rg. nya si salwa. dan guru biologi nya enak bgtt skrg alhamdulillah udh lmyn ngerti ekskresi gtgt makasih ya allah. dan semoga next next next nya laah lbh bgs lg supaya bisa lulus dgn nilai yg memuaskan nem diatas 38, mimpi-_- smg dapet ya allah aminnn. mudahkan lah uan thn 2011 ini, aminnn.

okkk dan judul? jd seperti biasa hari jumat pasti main main full deh pokonya puas puasin eeh skrg udh ngga ada jumat gt lg terakhir 2 minggu yg lalu, goodbye~

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

sekolah famous

HA HA HA, first kmrn udh pd heboh pas 99 masuk tv one, tau knp yaa begitulah seperti saudara ketahui tntg intemigasi intergasi int....... apa tau lah gt. dan kmrn di dunia twitter ckp rame bgtttt. dan pas gue liat ada ikip jg, yaa gt lah trs ada perwakilan komite yaitu nykp nya kak mira fvd.

sbnrnya pas tgl brp gt lupa jg pernah masuk jg tp liputan 6, ini link nya:

dan tepatnya td jam stg 1-an ANAK2 SE ANGKATAN BAHKAN 2 ATAU 3 ANGKATAN PD NOBAR wkwk, di tv dpn TU, nobar apaa???? METRO TV, knp? krn ada dialog eksklusif gt antara pak iing, nykp nya kak mira sm org metro tv gt sm 1 lg gatau siapa. dan awalnya gue kesana sepi gt so.... gue jajan dulu. eeh tbtb pd ngerubul gt rameee bgttttt, trs pas iklan pd teriak, "WOO..." dan pas mulai trs pak iing di wawancarain semua pd TEPUK TGN gt wkwk dukung apa..........? ups jgn nanti kena, lanjut trs krn berisik dan udh telat 10 menit bel, pak yasin matiin tv nya trs pd nyorakin gt.....pdhl guru2 aja jg pd nonton ISH.

dan kita pd ke kls msg2 tp balik lagi ke dpn tu woakakka, asik. trs nonton lg deh sampe abis huahaha.
lmyn lah sekolah jd famous-an dkt bolebolee, ye gak? famous krn apa? dont asked me about it, cause.....nanti mslh makin rumit ea, gakdeng. se enggak nya udh 3 KALI MASUK TV, DAN BEBERAPA KALI MASUK KORAN, good job guys!

Monday, July 26, 2010

jd.....selama ini gue punya sampah kenangan gt, tau ngga sampah kenangan itu apa? dengarkan, ngga jg gpp sih ehee.
mei 2009-----> gue jd sering nulis cerita harian gue/ aktivitas dlm kertas warna warni gt.....alesannya buat kenangan gt kl nanti udh kls 2 apa 3. dan itu gue lakuin sampe.... kls 9 ini tp ga dikertas warna tp krtas hvs di bagi 2 (gapenting) trs terkadang......suka ngakak ngakak sendiri sampe ada jg sedih dan pgn balik ke masa kls 7 atau kls 8 terutama. dan itu bener2 jd kenangan bgt cerita2 gt lah pokoknya yg berbaur cukup rahasia sampe yg gakpenting bgtt, pokoknya seru deh. ada sampe gue lecekin grgr mls huaahah, dan tempat nya dimana nad??? rahasia lah he he.

dan tips buat kalian, bikin aja begitu semacam diary yg agak abal gt hee~ selain irit dan kl kita pgn balik ke dulu2 tinggal baca deh haha. seru pokoknya.

btw, td gue main.... permainan tersimple tp rame, ya ABC 5 DASAR LAGI, kyk posting pas kls 8 ini---> CLICK! tp kls 9 ini main sm mimi, aisyah, fahri dan maju wkwk. trs nama pemain bola & film dan pas pemain bola gue dibantuin sm eko dong.... bangga nad? biasa-_- canda, gakdeng eko pelit. trs ebot, ardan, alif, pai, eko, gllen jd ngikutin woo, woakaakka. pokoknya top deh 9-7!!!


jd fakta ini emang udh lama bgt, kekurangan gue itu ialah..........susah move on, rata rata 1 thn sekali dan move on nya itu ke org yg sblm nya pernah dkt tp gue malah nyia-nyiain itu semua sampe akhirnya jd penyesalan trs.
dan skrg gue......gatau suka sm siapa, confused :'(

HAHA nggadeng, slow biasa aje 

Saturday, July 24, 2010

saksi bisu kenangan kls 8

berikut adalah gambar tugas tugas, dan ini masih 2 dari berapa byk tgs yg terselesaikan, dan 2 ini yg ckp terkenang hingga detik ini wkwk.

kl ini poster gt, created by: gua dan mimi. BLG!

trs kl yg ini paling seru bgtttt:
ini drama gt......... tntg JELANGKUNG lohhh woakakak, dan pemeran yg paling topbgt itu si faishal atau tkg bajaj kita hauah gakdeng pokoknya pas dia ngomong baca mantra mantra gt deh sambil nyembur, dan gue, mimi, putri, nanda, guntur, diaz, fahri pada GAK NYANGKA KL BAKAL SE KOCAK DAN SE LUCU INI si isal baca nya woakakkak, keren bgt pokoknya!

Friday, July 23, 2010

fill in the blank

im already................................

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

lelaki 9-7

jd, pd tau kan kl kls gue 90% cowok nya yg begitu, yg asik itu lohh... wkwk.
mau tau siapa aja:
1. MAJU atau pentolan segalanya, biang nya keributan di kls, dan lo mesti tau kl gue KARMA jd sekelas sm dia grgr pas kls 8 suka gue bilang "eh maju ganteng wkwk"
2. PAI ini sebangku nya, ramee asik, dan mirip little michael jackson loh......
3. PEBOT ini yaa rada gimana gt, paling sering dicencengin sm anak anak woakakak rachel ebot
4. GUNTUR agak mls ya krn udh bosen 2 thn coy dari kls 8, sbr abiss. wkwk canda.
5. EKO, waah ini emang hero bgt deh, gaksalah kl cewek 8-3 byk yg naksir sm dia, gitugitu baik bgtt lohh ekooo hauhahah, biodata gue aja diambil maju eh diselametin sm dia(berasa superman). gakdeng.
6. ALIF, ini yg suka nakut nakutin kl ada yg cabut
7. GLLEN ini baba 9-7 dari cina woakkaka 
8. OCAN ketua kls tp cabut jg...
9. RYAN seru trs lmyn pinter jg kata mimi
10. ARDAN sebangku pebot yg paling sering bikin grafity PEBOT & RACHEL
11. ARIF tp kl ini rada rajin gt
12. FACHRI ini entong 2 thn jg gue sekls sm dia, jarang masuk dan sekolah berasa milik sendiri.

dan sbnrnya msh ada yg alim alim, rajin rajin cuma yaa yg itu yg paling paling lah, paling apa nya? paling rame, seru, asik, etc.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


pas gue buka file lama gue, gue nemu ini...... wkwk udh lama sih sbnrnya, wanna see?
ini primtscreen nya, pokoknya pas msh kls 7 deh apa kls 8 awal tau lupa, tgl nya di coret biar rahasia woakaka tau tuh dulu knp? kelainan emang. pokoknya pas thn 2009

in memories of 8-1 :'(

pertama kali masuk kita bisa liat ini di sisi belakang kelas:
ini spanduk (iya ya?) yg dibuat pak mardi yg melukiskan kebersamaan kita ea.

ini angket pertama kali yg kita buat, pas msh semester 1.

trs ini pas jaman rubiks2 gt lah msh agustus kl gasalah:
ini walikelas kita ahuahhhaha sebagai model nya.

ini pas pelajaran pak didin garagara ac kls mati jd diluar deh dan... lbh seru!
kgn bgt sm mereka....... :'(

kl ini ritual pas pelajaran mtk hari jumat:
aaas bu tioo seru bgttt

ini pas belajar b.indonesia di perpus rame rame

ini pas OR
pasti ini nunggu pak slamet wkwk

yg di coret muka gua yg begitu aib bgtt. penyiksaan di awal masuk semester 2.

and the last........
ini foto terakhir kita, di museum listrik TMII, selasa 8 juni 2010 :'(

ohiya btw foto2 ini gue dpt dari album nya adinda, makasih yaa.
dan msh byk lagi di hp gue, menyusul.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

my class? isnt as worst as i thought

jadi..... klarifikasi segalanya haa~ gakdeng, jd kelas gue emg topbgt deh, top apa nya? 7-1 top bacot nya, 8-1 top prestasi nya ea, 9-7 top cabut nya woakakak. jadi tuh yaa td kls gue pas pelajaran awal aja abis bel kan aturan bu siwi apa pak ujang gt eehh pada CABUT wkwk, dan hampir 2 baris kecuali anak2 cewek di barisan pojok sana. gila bgt kan yaa? cabut pd ke bawah, kl cowok ke lt. 3

dan anak cowok nya rame bgt, sebut aja: maju, pai, guntur, alip, pebot, gllen, trs blm lg ada fahri, eko, arif, ardan, ocan, ryan gtgt lah, seru kann? 9-7 gt....... ngakak cewek nya paling yaa gue baru kenal dikit, aisyah, mimi, nanay, ana, kicew, izka, rachel, udah-_-

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


jd gue baru tau ini dari nanay td dan jd penempatannya tuh gini:
anak 8-1: rank 1----> 9-1 (ichsan)
               rank 2----> 9-2 (hendro)
               rank 3----> 9-3 (dinda)
               rank 4----> 9-4 (priya)
               rank 5----> 9-5 (ojan)
               rank 6----> 9-1 (nanda) ???
               rank 7----> 9-7 (gua)
               rank 8----> 9-8 (rico)
dan seterusnya ulang dari rank 9, 9-1
anak 8-2: rank 1----> 9-2 (claudia) 
               rank 2----> 9-3 (marisa)
               rank 3----> 9-4 (sarah)
               rank 4----> 9-5 (dithadhani)
begitu seterusnya
cth lain yg rank 1:
anak 8-3: rank 1----> 9-3 (puput)
anak 8-7: rank 1----> 9-7 (nanay)
anak 8-8: rank 1----> 9-8 (yandi)

pokoknya gt terusin sampe 40 aja, dan gue....... lagi ga hoki :'( jd gapapalah 9-7 semoga asik ya.
dan yg anak cewek nya byk yg pendiem bgt, eeh cowoknya ada yg tidur lah astagf.......
tp 9-7 byk anak pinter jg, kyk nanay, ocan, ana, izka dll lah (yg gua tau) dan mgkn ada lagi :'( tp berjuang, punya tekad yg kuat, dan... bangkit majuu.

oke sekian ya bye

Monday, July 12, 2010


jd setelah gue buka blog nya nanay, i found it: (nanay's----> CLICK!)
1. Achmad Rifai
2. Alhanzsa Andayani
3. Amanda Amalia
4. Anisah Mahkamah
5. Anissa Laras Mukhti
6. Arif Ardianto
7. Aulia Ardan S
8. Aulia Hasna
9. Diah Mulya Pitaloka
10. Dicky Firmansyah
11. Eko Rusadi Setianto
12. Fachri Muhammad
13. Fauzan Agung Kartiyasa
14. Febrian Ramadhan
15. Gllen Allan N
16. Guntur Eka Sulistio Putra
17. Hanaya Atiya
18. M Faizal Mazidnianto
19. Maju Valentino
20. Marini Eka Putri
21. Muhammad Alif Wicaksono
22. Muhammad Rijaldi Imam
23. Muhammad Rizyk Fathullah
24. Nabila Putri Andika
25. Nadia Dwi Ayu
26. Nadya Indah Dwijayanti
27. Nurul Aisyah Harumi Budiman
28. Nurul Ayu Wahyuningtias
29. Nurul Rizki
30. Puput Wulandari
31. Rachel Christina Victoria Siagian
32. Rachmadha Aprilyansyah
33. Rahmi Dimitri
34. Rizka Trisna Arianti
35. Sajatino Tauhid
36. Sarah Risninda
37. Septi Indah Lestari
38. Shilmi Arifah
39. Taufiqurrahman Shafa

ABSEN 9-7, dan gue pun gatau gue absen brp, dan......... 25! gapapalah
dan pastinya gue kgn bgt sm absen kls paling paling ini:
1. Achmad Priya Pamungkas
2. Adinandra Laras Jatnika
3. Adinda Syarifah Noor
4. Aditya Yudistira Saputra
5. Alija Lavihusna Adhari
6. Anerta Nayomi Varnela
7. Annisa Eka Rahmah
8. Denny Setyawan
9. Destika Nastiti
10. Diaz Respatianto
11. Diyna Pratamilia
12. Elita Permata Edwina
13. Eva Ariesta Amanda
14. Fachri Muhammad
15. Faishal Ibrahim
16. Fauzan Jodie Aldrian
17. Franz William
18. Guntur Eka Sulistio Putra
19. Hendro Wicaksono
20. Ichsan Afriansyah
21. Ikhlas Afrizal Gilang
22. Irrayanti Putri
23. Muhammad Zaki
24. Muhammed Sultan Bilhaq
25. Mutia Tri Tresnowati
26. Nabhila Risvan Putri
27. Nadia Dwi Ayu
28. Nourma Astari
29. Putri Malynda Karikasari
30. Putri Sari Suryani
31. Rachel Christina Victoria
32. Rachma Ayu Fadila
33. Rahmi Dimitri (Mimi)
34. Rheinanda Kaniaswari
35. Rico Dhanika Aryandaru
36. Ridha Gita Kurnia
37. Riska Marwanti
38. Salsabila Soraya
39. Silvia Yuli Perdqanawati
40. Yoseph Yuwono

demi apapun yaa, aaa pgn bgtttt, nanti gaada tmn cabut lg deh trs tmn berantem, tmn petak umpet, dll aaa, smg gue betah ya di 9-7 aminn.

dan kl yg ini.... kls yg aaa sulit diungkapkan dgn kata kata woakakak:
1. amira fathimah
2. andityo agung wicaksono
3. annisa arifa
4. arisma intan hapsari
5. bigwantsa nuari muki takyan
6. bintang verenda suci
7. boris prilyan sidabutar
8. claudia paramita
9. dewi anjar larasati
10. dinianti maharani
11. dita nur hanifah
12. fikriyano
13. harumi ananda asmara
14. indra arya darma
15. ichsan afriansyah
16. M Ajituta
17. M aldo Rizkyawan
18. marsya franitasari
19.marisa ghassani
20. mirantyana juantara
21.muhammad aulia reynaldi nasution
22. muthya rachmah pratama
23. nadia dwi ayu
24. nadia fairuz
25. nourma astari
26. pranz william (fraz)
27. prasetyo luhur
28. putri indah surya (puput)
29.putri zahra (putzi)
30. rico dhanika aryandaru
31. rifky reyhan
32. rista triana
33. rizka purnadi (chacha)
34. rizka trisna
35. sarah shyma zihantoro
36. sectia ayu ningrum
37. sendy wijayanto
38. vegatantra sinawea
39. wirda rimawati
40. yudishtira iqbal rachmansyah

kgn bgt sm bacot nya kita semua apalagi kl pelajaran miss tanti aa kgn bgttt, trs keluar2 kls sampe dimrhin guru, aaa serius pgn bgttt. 

8-1 7-1 gonna miss u guys........ 


pertama gue mau ngucapin "THANKYOU BGT BUAT PRISCILLA ELVIRA PASARIBU" thankyou knp? gapapa zor wekkeke.

dan lo mesti tau gue itu......7-1, 8-1, 9-17 wtf bgtt kan? diatas lg, dan gue disana cuma sm mimi, fahri, guntur. walaupun ada nanay, ana, aisyah, dll lah. dan yg lbh hot lg di kls gue itu:
1.) ada pentolan 8-1 -----> GUNTUR
2.) 2 org 8-3 -------> eko & alif
3.) PAI 8-7
4.)GLEN 8-8
owshitman, gila rusuh semua. orgorg pd bilang 9-7 seru anak nya rame2, tp ya kl kls 8 msh gpp, ini kls 9..... tkt bgttt, semoga allah ngasih yg terbaik ya spy bisa masuk sma yg di impikan, yaitu.. 8 AMINN YA ROBBAL ALAMINNN.

dan tekad gue tetep musti OPTIMIS untuk ngedapetin semua nya, dan pgn bgt serius belajar, sholat, ngaji, dsb, apalagi nanti uan kan soalnya hu :'( doain yaaa.
dan kls 9 ini udh mau stop main main, balik sore, dsb lah.

ohiya btw kan kmrn baru gue doang yg liat kls walaupun kecewa berat :'( dan org org di twitter pd mention klss dan heboh lgsg (ea lebay) awalnya hanya: "@nanayyoa nay kita sekelas di 9-7 :'(" trs baru pd yg lainnn.
dan ini tweets nanay:
ada jg ini:
dan msh ada lg, tp... lg lemot nih izzzzzhhhhh.

oh iya td mos loohh, tp msh seruan pas gue kls 7 dulu-_- jd kgn romansa kls 7 ea bhs nya cuy, dan ckp seru jg, diuber tanda tgn, dithdhani bilang "lumayan jd artis 3 hari wkwk" trs luculucu deh ada yg di suruh joget, teriak, nyanyi, dll. dan kl gue.. lgsg dpt gakdeng, gue brg sm angie, nanay, aisyah, dhani jd suruh joget WAKA-WAKA ngakakkk, angie jd peraga nya gt aisyah jg hauahah ngakak bgt.

ok foto nya besok, ok? dan blm liat besok smg lbh seru yaa, amin.


Sunday, July 11, 2010

i met Mr. klose & mueller

jd kmrn siang di dreamland gue, gue mimpi ke suatu negara gatau mana jd ada roller coaster indoor gt trs keren bgt ada cartoon2 gt trs ada air2 nya gt, tp gatau dimana wkwk-_-.

dan abis itu pas gue mau balik, gue ketemu sm...... klose!!! pemain bola jerman. trs abis itu gue foto bareng sm pemain jerman jg dan itu... muller, di dlm mimpi itu gue ngomong "aaa kyk mimpi bgt, nanti mau gue masukin blog ah" pokoknya bnr2 kyk kenyataan gt deh pokoknya. dan terakhir gue ngomong "thankyou mr. klose" trs dia jawab "urwelcome, see you" trs mueller nya kyk ngasih makanan gt woakaka makanan apa? kentang grng hauhaah trs tau tau gue bangun deh ish.

dan untuk memperjelas:
dan di worldcup 2010 ini, jagoan gue itu mueller, kl dulu kan lampard gerrard terry dkk lah, tp kl skrg yaa abisnya jago bgt di germany.

trs ini klose


Thursday, July 8, 2010

waiting, bad or better?

sejujurnya... gue benci bgt sm waiting gt, dihidup gue bnr bnr gue lakukan secepat mungkin sehingga trkdg... sering ceroboh. tp kl urusan yg ini gue selalu menunggu dan menungggu (ea bhs lo nad)

lovelife, setiap org pasti merasakan itu, ada yg seneng sampe sakit bahkan ada yg nasib nya kyk gue gini, nunggu udh kyk kambing conge, diem seribu bahasa gt lah istilah pastinya. dan ini pasti sakit :'(

terkadang gue suka ngerenung kl gue lg jatoh gt tentang beginian gt, gue menyesali sikap gue selama ini tp kdg... kl mood gue lg on pasti berfikir "ga ada guna nya mikirin itu, yg ada nyiksa diri sendiri dan MEMBODOHKAN diri kita"

dan someone, orgorg pasti punya special person dlm masa remaja ini, tp gue? gaada, yaahh lama lama gue jd betah sm status single kali ini walaupun ini ga se seneng yg di liat, mungkin org beranggapan gue termasuk selalu ketawa, crazy dan senang trs, tp disisi lain itu cuma buat menutupi semuanya dgn cara seneng seneng gt dan itu jg ckp menghibur kok.

dan................. hm ckp lah, next time aja kita lanjutin, ok ok?


benci bgt:
1. selama buat nanay dan nabila yg sudah berhasil nipu gue wwkw, kl yg ini becanda yooww, btw doain smg gue masuk kls yg gue inginkan & mimpi mimpikan, AMINN
2. pas td gue kesklh gatau nya ishhhhh kata guru2 hari senin, WTF kan, sklh lain aja udhh, gue tau sbnr nya udah tp sepik aja itu ish dosa woyyy.

yaudah segitu dulu buang2 duit bgt nih IZHHHH


jd gue coba ini tau dari sepupu gue gt, dan hasil muka gue 30 thn lagi ialah:

ngakak abis, nenek nyasar wkwk. ada jg ini nih:
silahkan yg mau ngakak blh blh. woakakakkak (?)

dan kl yg berminat click aja :

ok sekian, bubyeeee

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

poem & princess ariel

when i opened some of documents, i found it. maybe it's not perfect because i made it imperfectly, just tried . so im sorry if im wrong.

when we were still together

you said that you never leaved me alone

you wouldnt make me cry

you tried to understand all about me

We did all of the days with the best until the worst of the moment

but that was end
now, i didnt know where are you stayed

you're so different

maybe in your eyes im not special for you

but im not

you're the best person who gave me the meaning of love

as you know, i dont wanna leave without you

just alone

with your shadow in my eyes

sometimes, i thought it's like a bad dream

No,  it just a memory, Which couldn’t to forget as easy as threw a rubbish

i used to deceive my self secretly

but i couldnt preserve this feel

cause it's true love of mine

seinget gue, gue dulu bikin itu cuma 10 menitan wkwk, dan saat itu lg gapeduli grammar dsb huahha, jd mgkn byk slh. jg gambar nya asal asal doang woaakkka

dan ini gadipertunjukan ke siapa siapa loh, krn gue jg gatau buat siapa -__-

pesan: sikapin positif, single jg seru walaupun rada rada gmn.. gt ya, tp gpplah.

ok sekian, bye~