Thursday, August 18, 2011

happy 66th independence day!

tomorrow was the day, which should been full by indonesian's spirit. but maybe we didnt-_- we just said that on social networks "happy independence....." and also put red-white flag on the fence. we couldnt did several traditional competitions enthusiastically like usual because we've already been in the middle of Ramadhan, so we're keep fasting.

66 years ago...........
because of them, all of indonesian's heroes, who've struggled w/ their soul to seized our beloved country from the colonizer. their kindness&spirit had been the most important things for us, which wont be forgotten by all of Indonesian. thankyou for everything :')

teks proklamasi, saksi bisu terjadinya kemerdekaan Indonesia.

Monday, August 1, 2011

ramadhan 2011

hamdalah, masih bertemu ramadhan lagi :D perasaan baru beberapa bulan yg lalu puasa, buka bareng Rendevouz walau saat itu namanya masih Maveoterano (kl gasalah) MVR, trs potr bareng mereka sampe malemm di pacuan kuda. trs apalagi ya......hufft berkesannya bgt. flashback thn lalu, gapuasa 9 hari wth grgr tifus dan anemia hb nya ngjk ribut turun drastis (crht) + sampe turun 6 kg :( tp skrg udh gakdonggg.

for all who read this post, happy fasting!

bedanya tahun ini sama sblm2nya, kl dulu puasa kerjaannya tidur, sholat, nonton, online, dll. sekarang hrs ditemani yg satu ini nihhhhhh
 pagi sama dia, siang, sore, malem sm dia juga.

ok sekian smg puasa kita semua lancar sampe lebaran nanti dan amal ibadah selama ini diterima Allah. aammiiinn. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin juga ya :)