Saturday, January 12, 2013


Hari ini adalah hari sabtu kedua di 2013. Sama seperti 2012 dan tahun-tahun sebelumnya, hari sabtu itu menyimpan a lot of freedom:D except sabtu menjelang UAS, freedomnya itu terkadang dinikmati dengan relaksasi di rumah, ngerjain tugas kelompok ke sekolah atau hang out. Hari ini option kedua lah yang terpilih. Seperti biasa project kali ini masih dalam konteks "sinematografi" yaitu iklan (second project). Padahal kelompok gue (+alay, audi, yesaya, enur) awalnya udah niat bgt, pas bulan november sehari setelah dikasih project itu langsung syuting ke monas-_- udah nyuri start gt ceritanya dari yg lain. but....setelah beberapa bulan kita memutuskan untuk ubah konsep karena kesalahan teknis&non teknis juga.

Akhirnya project belum terselesaikan dgn sempurna itu vakum dulu alias ga dilanjutin. Tiba-tiba ada ide baru, yang udah disetujui semua pihak, fyi konsep pertama itu alay kurang srek-_- padahal udah hampir jadi. Dimulailah perjalanan hari ini untuk syuting menggunakan konsep kedua.

Seperti sebelum-sebelumnya kita udah sering janjian tiap hari libur untuk mulai syuting "lagi", tapi selalu failed karena cuaca buruk di Jakarta ini yg menghambat penggarapan iklan huft. Rencana awal ngumpul jam 11 di sekolah, seperti biasa semua ngaret kecuali alay yg anak tangerang. Finally gue sampe di sekolah jam 1, terus gak lama Audi dateng. Nungguin Enur itu yg sangat amat nyita waktu-_- sampe karena bosen jd main sepeda dulu bahkan ke mcd dulu. Jam 3 Enur dateng, dan kita move on dari lokasi konsep 1 (monas) ke rumah yesaya untuk konsep 2.

Awalnya muncul perasaan mager berat untuk ke rumah Yesaya karena jauh, sampe harus lewat tol. Di pikiran gue bakalan macet bgt apalagi cuaca mendung menjelang hujan dan kalau kesana cuma capek di jalan doang gak dpt hasil apa-apa nantinya. Alhamdulillah ternyata perjalanan hanya menyita waktu setengah jam dari Salemba-Jatibening:").

Setelah sampe, naik keatas makan-makan dulu di kamar abangnya dan ngomongin konsep kedua ini. Abis itu makan ke bawah dan pindah ke kamar adeknya buat take scene pertama+foto-foto. Setelah hujan reda kita keluar rumah.

Lisa a.k.a Alay

 Pas keluar rumah ternyata masih gerimis sedikit tapi itu tidak dpt menghalangi untuk take scene utama wkwk

Tiba-tiba enur jadi merinding maksimal, dan cepet-cepet lari menjauhi rumah yesaya. guess what?karena ini....
Apollo dan majikan
Doi takut bgt sama anjing-_- apalagi pitbull dognya yesaya itu ga seperti yg gue pikir sebelumnya, galak sih gak terlalu tapi strong bgt parah sampe orang-orang mau dikejar dan itu yg bikin jiper.

Abis itu take beberapa scene selama 1 jam dan itu failed semuaT_T. Abis itu balik lagi ke kamar adeknya yesaya. Akhirnya mucul ide untuk gabungin konsep pertama dgn sedikit konsep kedua. Sebenernya syuting mungkin cuma 20% sisanya becanda dan ngobrol-ngobrol doang-_-. Abis itu foto-foto lg yg rame-rame gitu ceritanya.

Jam stg 7 pulang bareng alay enur audi dan yesaya tapi pisah mobil buat nunjukin jalan pulang. Ada suatu kejadian sangat asal ketika kita otw pulang. Tapi alhamdulillah semua selamat sampai tujuan.

Btw postingan ini super curhat sepertinya, See yaa, night!

Friday, January 4, 2013

End Year Holiday

Have you ever feel like stay in the climax of boredom? Absolutely, myself already hit by this 'feeling'. um...i mean it was a classic thing. maybe i would go to a vacation rarely. that's such as a bad tradition in my family hufft. neither my  my mom nor my dad like to go out of Jakarta, it different than the other family, who'd please to spend their holiday go to another city with a traffic jam along the way. they'd like to say "NO" with confidence if i ask to go out from this town. that's the first reason. why don't you go out with train or plane? my mom always said that the ticket prices for holiday is more expensive than normal day. so it's better for us to take the normal day for holiday. why don't you take the promo of holiday? if we want to get the promo we should booked about 6 months or maybe 1 year before the day we're going to that place. i think she just too lazy to do that, not lazy for sure but very busy with her tasks in her office so she haven't enough time for booked it and go for holiday. I think she's preferring with her business than people in this home. not only mom but also my dad prefer to stay at home for holiday time, i dunno what's on his mind. he said that we could be relaxed every time in here from an exhausting activity in his office. That's sounds very different than my thought. my mind couldn't be refreshed by stay here and didn't go out. too much arguments about that from them-_- and the last reason is enjoying this quiet Jakarta, without traffic jam on the street which only made everyone feels stress and tired to live here. But I agree with the last reason, sometimes.

There are five things which were accompany me to spend this end year holiday
1. Newspaper

But first I head to looking for an advertisement about discount in some stores which reside on the corner of the newspaper page. especially on the friday newspaper, it isnt't as less as the other day. After that, I started to read some interesting articles which catch my eyes.

2. Internet

This is the information center around the world. read the article here is more interesting than newspaper. And also we can searching, chatting, watching, everything you can do! it's such as one of the most important thing in this globalization era.

3. Food

Without food, you're nothing.

4. Television

Here you can see what's going on from news, sense of humor from tv show, or carried by the movie.

5. Bed
It's the most lovely thing for me. I'll forget everything and start 'a new life' in the dream land.

But sometimes I'd like to make this holiday to be more insteresting than usual which only feel bored all the time. For example playing and dancing with video game, make a spa in the home, sport indoor, cook something, until cleaning every part in the home. I did it all because I just wanna fix my boredom for sure.

And for this holiday i didn't know why I'm not as addicted as usual with my bb phone. I used to have a lot of hours for my phone, but now I didn't interested as before. Maybe only for reply some chats or for urgent call. Besides that, I haven't another reason for it.

In the other side, I still have a good news. Last saturday I had a photo session with these girls. At the first time, we planned go to Bandung but it canceled. So the 2nd plan is sleep over like last year when we celebrated the new year's eve together. But I couldn't join them:(. That was December 29 '12, it means.....our 17th month anniv right?<3guyss p="p">Check these out!

Honestly, there were some differences between 2011 and 2012. First, If my "love life" was the graph it would be an increase in 2011 but for 2012 it was so flat as before. I don't think it's worse than previous year, because I learned to be respected with myself better than the other in this year, and must be focus in every part of my life:)

And then, 2012 has so much memories for sure. As always, from the best until the worst are created here. every month has its uniqueness and story. The first six months had a lot of sense,  but I can't repeat all those things and tell the flashback. As long as you read my last post on January until June 2012 it's enough to know you what I really feel at that time. For another six months I started to live as 11 grader, it's harder, more difficult and also more motivation. On the last six months felt very fast. I don't know why. Now I arrived in the middle of Senior High School period, so that 1,5 years more to a high school student be over . Even though there are some pressures here but over all I love this high school moment because it only happens once in this life, like people said.

Actually this post has been saved in the drafts since earlier holiday of last december and had resumed, but I waited until the new year come. So that this is my first post in 2013. Welcome 2013! too much wishes for this year. Hope it will better than previous years and all of our wishes come true. Happy New Year All!