Sunday, December 19, 2010

welcome holiday!!!

well, we were arrive in the end of december, so was over, and holidays have came to this fuckin busy life to be 9th grader. ok dont talk bout it, it'll make me to be stress as usual.

1st of all............WELCOME HOLIDAY!!!
so far i havent a plan anymore to did this holiday, yap im afraid if it will be a bored holiday.
but i think it just some rest between a tired of my life.

right now, i really want my holidays to be full of adventures, which going to
mountain. see the beautiful views from the up, its really amazed.

and also....i wanna go to....
 forest! btw the last time i'd ever go there, was.......last year. cool. tall trees-green leafs-water flow. its very natural & feels fresh.

but it just a fantasy, maybe i'll staye there.
home. fuck.

yeah lately, i wanna bike to remove a boredom.
funny, refresh, healthy, also tired!

hbu? do u feel the same like me? create your own holiday, hv fun!!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


hari selasa kmrn classmeet. beruntung pertandingan pertama 97 itu lawan 96 alhamdulillah 97 lolos :')
dan lolos lawan manaa??95. ok emg cowok 97 & 95 sudah menunggu laga itu buat final, tapi jd semi final noprob lah. dan itu bnr2 menegangkan bgt, paling!!
97 itu--> pai (my dark prince<3), eko (football capt. of RDVZ), ebot, ardan, rizyk (goal keeper), fachri, guntur
95 itu--> kevin, reyhan, diaz, aby, novan, ojan, sendy

dan itu berat vs berat lah. kerenbgt! dan pokoknya kejar2an gt deh scores nya, cool!!! dan akhirnya krn ada goal kesalahan gt jd 97 kalaahh, tp gpplah kalian udh bagus+keren+udh bikin suasana yg tdnya sepi jd tegang&rame bgt. <3 <3 yaah.

padahal gue udh janji ke si ardan kl 97 masuk final gue byr ke dia 5rb, awalnya 5rb itu hampir melayang, yah gataunya malah 97 nya huhu :'-(. dan yg lbhlbh itu......pai udh janji bgt gt kl bakal menang. trs pas detik2 sblm mulai gue sempet ngomong2 gt sm eko. org2 kls lain pd bilang 97 terlalu meremehkan lawan gt deh, tp enggaak kook. yaudah deh ya, but you're the best footballers for GRASIX7!!

leaving, losing, regretting

so far, the story of my life, especially my love life stories havent told by me.....ok i wanna start bout it right now. and please maybe it isnt as important as another post, so im sorry.

last year. december 09'
yap maybe, in this month a lot of my sad memories w/ my last ex have completely clear, why?because you came to my life, and made me go on while i was down. but in my mind i said "no no no, i felt that it has a bad result if i w/ u" i was wrong, now its too late to did, you were w/ her. longlast boy. gbye.

february 10'
the other boy was came. at the first time i felt comfortable enough to stay w/ u, but......after 1 weeks i felt uncomfortable, thats because you were over protective. but now, just you who knew that im still like him, and we were a friend right? i hope you'll back to her, amin.

may 10'
ok i used to be fun to hear bout this month because it has a lot of the most favorite memories of mine, but now i didnt do it anymore, because....i felt that it has been different to did. i cant handle it, i really need u boy. you're the one, who made me fall in love and also felt so hurt. but im sure, you forgot all of our memories which i thought that those're very important. and maybe i was wrong, i always lie w/ my feeling for you because i cant show that im still loving you. i cant. i'll have a biggest problem if i show that.

please one who know all about my feeling for him. also, he'll be her boyfriend. in other side, i just be patient and feel sorry for the worst memory of us.
now, i just wanna say for you "thankyou for everything". in my mind....i say "ENDED"

Monday, December 6, 2010


this occasion, i gonna share bout how much i love a special night, which have million fireworks in the sky also million whishes all of people in the world. can u imagine that? that's, beautiful, awesome, what ever.

it called NEW YEAR'S EVE.

in my life, it had a lot of memories. and as u know, i cant forget all of that as easy as forget the social lesson, can I? of course.

and i cant waiting for that, come faster please......
and i cant stop to wish wish wish, hope hope hope, want want want, need, need, need that in taht year will be better than the past of the years. amin.


and it's the climax in the middle of New Year's Eve.

and the last, GOODBYE 2010 :'(

thank you has become my beautiful year i ever had so far.

2010 will done by me.....3 weeks ago. wanna flashback?O it was expired.

Friday, December 3, 2010

surprise capt. ekoo!!!!!

jadi rabu tgl 1 desember itu ulgthnnya EKO RUSADI, kapten futsal dan anak 97 jg pastinya. akhirnya bikin rencana dll.........sampe terlaksana semuanya walaupun ada kontrofersi nya jg wkwk.

dan ini manusia dibalik semuanya, ngga gt jg sih yaa-_-"


dan yg beli aisyah & mimi, perjuangan mereka deh sbnrnya. tp semuanya berkat semua anak 97, <3<3

ini blm semuanya tp ceweknya hampir kira2 segini laahh.....dan msh byk lg deh tp mslhnya lemot bgt nih pc skrg :[ fuck. pokoknya terimakasihbgttt kepada kalian!!!

alhanzsa-amanda-wati-laras-ana-diah-nanay-marini-nabila-gue-nadia dj.-aisyah-nunu-kiky-puput-rachel-mimi-izka-sarah-septi-shilmi.

GRASIX7 / "97 aja coyy"